Helping Your Child Choose the Best Fit College
Alright, folks. Welcome to another deep dive. And this is a big one. We are tackling college admissions.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah.
Speaker 1:Helping your child find the right college.
Speaker 2:It's a big one.
Speaker 1:It is a huge e e one. Yeah. And to help us with this, daunting task, we are diving into helping your child choose the best fit college. A parent's guide. Great guide.
Speaker 1:It is a great guide. It's packed with so much good stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And one of the things that really stood out to me, and I think it's gonna stand out to our listeners, is this idea that we need to start early. Yes. Like, really early.
Speaker 2:It's never too early.
Speaker 1:Okay. So how early are we talking here?
Speaker 2:Well, the guide says even as early as middle school.
Speaker 1:Middle school. That seems awfully early to be putting, like, that kind of pressure.
Speaker 2:I don't think it's about pressure. I think it's more about just sort of opening up the conversation. You know, having those little talks, like, you know, over dinner, you can ask your kid, hey, you know, if you could study anything, what would it be?
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And those kinds of conversations, they plant these seeds
Speaker 1:These little seeds.
Speaker 2:That can grow into some really interesting things.
Speaker 1:I like that. And the guide stresses that this is not just beneficial for your child, but for you as a parent too because you get a better understanding of what they're interested in and what their, you know, hopes and dreams for the future are.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Exactly. It gives you a head start
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:To really understanding, you know, what your child is looking for.
Speaker 1:It's about getting them thinking about their passions and how those passions might translate into, you know, a career path. Right?
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:Okay. So we're having these conversations. We're getting a feel for what our kids are interested in. Mhmm. But as the guide points out, fit goes way beyond just, you know, grades and test scores.
Speaker 2:Way beyond.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about that. What are, like, the different dimensions of fit?
Speaker 2:Well, they break it down into 4 key dimensions, academic, social, financial, and geographic.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And they're all equally important.
Speaker 1:So let's start with academic fact because I think that's the one that most people kind of, you know, naturally gravitate towards. Right. It's like, okay. Is this school challenging enough for my child?
Speaker 2:Right. But it's more than just the ranking of the school.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It's about the teaching style, the class size.
Speaker 1:Oh, class size is huge. Huge.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Some students thrive in small, intimate settings.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Others do well in those big lecture halls.
Speaker 1:Yeah. I went to a college with those giant lecture halls. It was awesome.
Speaker 2:And that's okay.
Speaker 1:I felt like I was at a concert.
Speaker 2:And that's the thing. You have to find what works for you.
Speaker 1:Right. It's gotta be the right fit.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:Okay. So beyond just class size and, you know, sort of the academic rigor, what are some other things that parents and students should be thinking about when it comes to academic fit?
Speaker 2:Well, think about the professors. Are they doing research that aligns with your students' interest?
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:What are the opportunities for internships or research in their field of study?
Speaker 1:So it's not just about, you know, the courses offered, but also, like, the hands on experience.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Hands on experience is so valuable.
Speaker 1:It's about getting your hands dirty.
Speaker 2:Right. Exactly.
Speaker 1:Okay. So academic fit, check. But this guide really emphasized that college is about so much more than just, you know, hitting the books.
Speaker 2:It is.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about social fit.
Speaker 2:Let's do it.
Speaker 1:Because I have a feeling this is what our listeners are really, like, waiting for. Give it to us.
Speaker 2:Right. Those late night study sessions, the clubs for every interest imaginable.
Speaker 1:The pizza.
Speaker 2:Yes. The pizza.
Speaker 1:Maybe not the healthiest pizza, but
Speaker 2:But still pizza.
Speaker 1:It's pizza.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Okay. So social fit. Break it down for us.
Speaker 2:Well, it's about finding a community where your child can be themselves. Yeah. Make lifelong friends and just feel like they belong.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It's crucial. It's just as important as the academics.
Speaker 1:Because if you're not happy and, you know, you feel like you're not part of the community, you're not gonna do well academically either.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Exactly. Your social well-being and your academic success, they're intertwined.
Speaker 1:They go hand in hand.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:So how do you find that? How do you find that social fit?
Speaker 2:Well, it's about the campus culture Yep. The extracurricular activities, even the vibe of the surrounding town or city.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's a good point. Like, do you wanna be in a bustling city
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Or do you wanna be in a small college town?
Speaker 2:Exactly. Some students thrive in a big city environment. Others, they need that small town feel
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You know, where everybody knows your name.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And that's okay. You just have to figure out what works best for you.
Speaker 1:I will say, you know, those brochures and those websites could be very deceiving.
Speaker 2:They can be.
Speaker 1:I remember visiting a college, and I had this vision in my mind of this charming college town. Yeah. And it was, like, 1 Main Street and a gas station.
Speaker 2:Oh, no.
Speaker 1:Not quite the, idyllic setting that I had envisioned.
Speaker 2:And that's why, you know, this guide emphasizes that visiting campuses in person is so important. Pictures and virtual tours can only give you so much.
Speaker 1:It's like online dating. Yeah. You can, you know, look at someone's profile.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:But until you've actually met them Exactly. They don't know if there's a spark.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Okay. So when we're visiting these campuses Yeah. What are some things, some tips that, you know, parents and students can use to really get a feel for the social scene?
Speaker 2:Talk to current students. Go beyond the official tour guides. You know, strike up conversations with students in the student student center or the library. Get the inside scoop. Exactly.
Speaker 2:Ask them about their experiences, the good,
Speaker 1:the bad, the unexpected.
Speaker 2:That's good advice. And the guide even suggests some specific questions to ask.
Speaker 1:Like what?
Speaker 2:Like, if you could change one thing about this college, what would it be?
Speaker 1:Oh, that's a good one. It's like cut to the chase. What do you really think?
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:Okay. So we've talked about academics. We've talked about social life, but let's get real about a topic that I know is on everyone's minds. Yeah. And that is the financial fit.
Speaker 1:Fit.
Speaker 2:Yeah. That's a big one.
Speaker 1:Because college is expensive.
Speaker 2:Very expensive.
Speaker 1:Like, really expensive.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:So how do we even begin to tackle this?
Speaker 2:Well, the guide suggests having these conversations early on
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And being open and honest with your child about what's financially feasible.
Speaker 1:So no more, like, blank checks?
Speaker 2:Probably not a good idea Okay. Especially these days.
Speaker 1:Right. So we're sitting down with our kids.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:We're looking at, you know, our finances. We're being realistic about what we can contribute.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And we're exploring all the options.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Financial aids, scholarships, loans, everything.
Speaker 1:And the guide also makes this really interesting point about, you know, not just focusing on that sticker price
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:But thinking about the long term return on investment.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. I mean, college is an investment.
Speaker 1:It is an investment.
Speaker 2:And you wanna make sure that you're getting a good return on that investment.
Speaker 1:So looking at things like, you know, potential salaries
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:Job placement rates.
Speaker 2:Right? Those are all important factors to consider.
Speaker 1:Okay. So we've covered academics, social life, and the ever important finances.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Now onto our last dimension of fit, geographic fit.
Speaker 2:Geographic fit.
Speaker 1:And I feel like this is the one that sometimes gets overlooked like, oh, yeah, whatever, wherever.
Speaker 2:Right. But it can really make a difference.
Speaker 1:It can. And it's not just about the weather. Right?
Speaker 2:No. Not just the weather, although that is a factor for some students.
Speaker 1:Right. Some people wanna escape the cold. Exactly. There's more to it than that.
Speaker 2:It's about finding an environment that aligns with your child's personality, values, and their long term goals.
Speaker 1:So give us some examples. Like, what are some key geographic factors to consider?
Speaker 2:Sure. So we've talked about urban versus rural, but think about proximity to family.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Some students wanna be close to home.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Others wanna be as far away as possible.
Speaker 1:Yes. They do.
Speaker 2:And that's okay. You know? It's about finding that right balance.
Speaker 1:Right. Right.
Speaker 2:And then think about things like, you know, cultural opportunities, recreational activities.
Speaker 1:That's right.
Speaker 2:Are there museums and art galleries and theaters?
Speaker 1:Hiking trails, beaches.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Things that are important to your student.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Those are all really important factors to consider.
Speaker 2:They can really impact a student's overall well-being and happiness.
Speaker 1:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:Mhmm.
Speaker 1:Alright. So we've talked about all the things that go into finding a college that fits Yes. Academically, socially, financially, and geographic.
Speaker 2:Like, the important factors.
Speaker 1:But as this guide so cleverly points out, sometimes the perfect fit feels more like a unicorn than a real place.
Speaker 2:That's true.
Speaker 1:So how do we manage expectations, both for ourselves and for our kids?
Speaker 2:That's a great question, and we'll dive into that right after the break.
Speaker 1:Sounds good. So managing expectations. Yeah. I think this is a really important one.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's huge.
Speaker 1:Because you can have all the best plans in place. You can do all the research. Yeah. But sometimes, you know
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:It doesn't always work out exactly how you envisioned it.
Speaker 2:And that's okay.
Speaker 1:It is okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:But I think it's really important to kinda prepare for that to, like Absolutely. And to acknowledge that.
Speaker 2:And this guide does a great job of that. It talks about the importance of normalizing rejection.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It's a normal part of the process.
Speaker 1:Because I think sometimes, you know, we get so caught up in, like, the dream. Right?
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:And we forget that, you know, it's not always gonna be a straight path.
Speaker 2:It's not always gonna be a straight path, and that's okay.
Speaker 1:It's not.
Speaker 2:It really is.
Speaker 1:And I love how this guide, like, really dives into those unique situations
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Because not every student is the same. Right?
Speaker 2:Right. We have student athletes. We have 1st generation college students, students with learning differences.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And they all have different needs and challenges.
Speaker 1:They do.
Speaker 2:And this guide really emphasizes the importance of, you know, proactive communication.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's so important.
Speaker 2:It is
Speaker 1:Because you can't just assume that the college is gonna know exactly what your child needs.
Speaker 2:Exactly. You have to be your child's advocate.
Speaker 1:Advocate for them. Reach out to those offices, you know, whether it's the disability services or the athletic department, whatever it might be.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:Okay. So let's fast forward a little bit.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:We've, you know, we've done all the research. We've visited the campuses. We've, you know, sent in the applications. Yep. We've managed our expectations.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And the acceptance letters have arrived.
Speaker 2:They're here.
Speaker 1:And now what?
Speaker 2:Now the real fun begins. Right?
Speaker 1:The decision oh, the big decision. The big decision. How do you even begin
Speaker 2:to It can be overwhelming.
Speaker 1:It is.
Speaker 2:Really can be.
Speaker 1:Because sometimes you have, like, multiple good options.
Speaker 2:Right? Absolutely. And that's a good problem to have.
Speaker 1:It is a good problem to have.
Speaker 2:It is.
Speaker 1:But it's still a problem.
Speaker 2:It's still a lot to process. So this is where it's so important to go back to those four dimensions of fit Right. That we talked about earlier. You know, look at the academics, the social life, the financial aid package
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:The location, and really see which school aligns best with your child's needs and goals.
Speaker 1:So it's about kind of, like, revisiting those pros and cons lists that maybe you made earlier.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And this guide even suggests, like, having your child imagine themselves at each school
Speaker 1:Oh, that's interesting.
Speaker 2:And see how it feels, you know, which one feels more like home.
Speaker 1:That's a good point.
Speaker 2:Because at the end of the day, you want your child to be happy and thrive. Right.
Speaker 1:It's their experience.
Speaker 2:Exactly. It's their journey.
Speaker 1:And sometimes, you just need a little bit of time to process everything.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Don't rush the decision.
Speaker 1:Don't rush it.
Speaker 2:If you need to, take a few days, you know, sleep on it, talk it over with family and friends Talk
Speaker 1:it over. Yeah.
Speaker 2:And trust your gut.
Speaker 1:Trust your gut.
Speaker 2:That's important.
Speaker 1:Okay. So the decision has been made. It
Speaker 2:has.
Speaker 1:The deposit has been sent.
Speaker 2:Congratulations.
Speaker 1:Congratulations.
Speaker 2:Your child is going to college.
Speaker 1:And now the real panic sets in. No. I'm just kidding.
Speaker 2:A little bit of panic maybe, but it's mostly excitement.
Speaker 1:Right? It should be mostly excitement. It should be. But there's still a lot of things to do before that big move in day.
Speaker 2:There are.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about that transition to college.
Speaker 2:Let's do it.
Speaker 1:Transition to college.
Speaker 2:It's a big one.
Speaker 1:This is a big one. Yeah. It's exciting, but it's also like Nerve racking. A little terrifying. For everyone involved.
Speaker 1:For everyone involved. Yeah. Not just for the student, for the parents too.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:So where do we even begin?
Speaker 2:Well, the guide has a whole section on this, and it's packed with practical advice.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Everything from, like, you know, finalizing those housing arrangements
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:To, you know, making sure that all the health insurance forms are filled out.
Speaker 1:Right. All the logistics.
Speaker 2:All the logistics.
Speaker 1:And nitty gritty.
Speaker 2:But it also talks about the emotional preparation
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Because that's important too.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Because this is a big emotional, like, shift
Speaker 2:It is. All Everyone. For everyone involved.
Speaker 1:So how do we prepare for that?
Speaker 2:Communication is key.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Talk to your child about their expectations for staying in touch.
Speaker 1:Like, how often do we get a call? How often do we get a text?
Speaker 2:Exactly. Set those boundaries early on.
Speaker 1:Boundaries. That's a good word.
Speaker 2:It is. It's about finding that balance between staying connected
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And giving your child the space to be independent.
Speaker 1:Right. Because we want them to be independent.
Speaker 2:We do.
Speaker 1:But we also wanna know that they're okay.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:It's a tough balance.
Speaker 2:It is. But it's doable.
Speaker 1:It is. And I think, you know, this guy does a really good job of kind of, like, laying it all out there.
Speaker 2:It does.
Speaker 1:And giving you those tools and those tips to make this transition as smooth as possible.
Speaker 2:It's about letting go.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:But it's not about letting go of love. It's about, you know, transitioning that love into a new phase.
Speaker 1:Yeah. It's a different kind of
Speaker 2:love. Exactly.
Speaker 1:It's a more mature love.
Speaker 2:It is. It's about trusting that you've raised human being
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Who's ready to take on the world
Speaker 1:And make their own mistakes.
Speaker 2:And learn from those mistakes.
Speaker 1:And hopefully not too many mistakes.
Speaker 2:Hopefully not too many.
Speaker 1:But, you know, that's part of the learning process.
Speaker 2:It is. It is. And, you know, as parents, we have to be there to support them through those mistakes
Speaker 1:You do.
Speaker 2:But also give them the space to make those mistakes.
Speaker 1:To learn and to grow.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:Well, I think this has been an incredibly insightful deep dive. It
Speaker 2:has.
Speaker 1:Into this whole world of college admissions Yeah. Helping your child find that right fit.
Speaker 2:It's a journey.
Speaker 1:It is a journey.
Speaker 2:But it's a journey worth taking.
Speaker 1:It is. And I think the biggest takeaway for me is, you know, start early.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Have those conversations. Do your research.
Speaker 2:Be proactive.
Speaker 1:Be proactive. Communicate. Communicate. And don't be afraid to ask for help.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. There are resources out there.
Speaker 1:There are. And, you know, at the end of the day, it's about finding that best fit for your child.
Speaker 2:Exactly. A
Speaker 1:place where they can thrive.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:So to all of our listeners out there
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Who are about to embark on this journey
Speaker 2:Good luck.
Speaker 1:We're cheering you on. You got this.
Speaker 2:You do. And we'll
Speaker 1:see you next time for another deep dive.
Speaker 2:See you