How Do People Choose the Right College or University to Attend?

Speaker 1:

Everybody. Welcome back. We're tackling something today that I know is probably, on a lot of your minds. Yeah. Picking the right college.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It can feel like a total jungle out there. Right? With brochures and deadlines and all that. That's true. But that's why we're doing this deep dive.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. We've got a great guide here called, how do people choose the right college or university to attend? Mhmm. And we've gone through it all to pull out the best stuff.

Speaker 2:

The most useful advice.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. So how do you make this decision without,

Speaker 2:

You know, pulling your hair out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Without losing your sanity. Right. What should really be at the top of your list?

Speaker 2:

Well, the guide starts off with something that I think is really key.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Academic fit.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And this is more than just, like, picking a school with a big name.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's about finding programs that actually match your students' passions.

Speaker 1:

Like finding the right soil for a plant to grow in.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. A student who loves hands on learning might struggle in a program that's all lectures.

Speaker 1:

Mhmm. Makes sense.

Speaker 2:

It's about that sweet spot where their interests and their learning style and the college all line up.

Speaker 1:

And the guide also says, you gotta look beyond just the major.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Dig deeper. Look at the courses they offer within the major. Okay. The faculty, the graduation rates for that program internships.

Speaker 1:

So you're saying those details paint a much clearer picture?

Speaker 2:

They do. Like, let's say your student is interested in environmental science. Yeah. Are there opportunities to do field work, to do research with experts? Those things matter.

Speaker 1:

I see what you mean.

Speaker 2:

And, you know, as a parent, you're investing so much in your students' education.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Time, money, energy.

Speaker 2:

Everything. You wanna see that investment pay off.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And speaking of things that matter, location.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah. Big one.

Speaker 1:

The guide talks about this a lot.

Speaker 2:

It's not just about being close to home or far away. It's the whole vibe of the place.

Speaker 1:

Like city versus small town.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Warm weather versus snow.

Speaker 1:

All those things can impact how happy your student is.

Speaker 2:

And happiness matters for success too. Right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Definitely. And okay. We can't ignore the elephant in the room.

Speaker 2:

What's that?

Speaker 1:

The cost of college.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That could be scary.

Speaker 2:

It's true. The guide's upfront about that.

Speaker 1:

Mhmm. It

Speaker 2:

says you have to understand the full cost.

Speaker 1:

Not just tuition. Right.

Speaker 2:

Fees, housing books, even those late night pizzas.

Speaker 1:

It adds up.

Speaker 2:

It all adds up.

Speaker 1:

But the guide also stresses that you should explore all the financial aid options out there.

Speaker 2:

Don't make assumptions. Look into grants, scholarships, work study programs, and, of course, the FFS.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah. The FFS.

Speaker 2:

That's the free application for federal student aid. It's crucial for figuring out your eligibility for federal aid.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So it's not just about finding the money. It's about being strategic about it.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Yeah. And that's where the guide encourages families to talk about finances openly and honestly.

Speaker 1:

Early on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. What are your family's financial goals? What do you expect your student to contribute?

Speaker 1:

It's better to have those conversations upfront.

Speaker 2:

It avoids stress later

Speaker 1:

on. Absolutely. Okay. So we've covered academics, location, and finances.

Speaker 2:

Big 3.

Speaker 1:

Right. But what about the things that are harder to measure?

Speaker 2:

Like what?

Speaker 1:

Like the vibe of the campus.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the culture.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. The guy talks about that too.

Speaker 2:

It does. It encourages families to think about whether their student would feel a sense of belonging there.

Speaker 1:

Do they see themselves connecting with the community?

Speaker 2:

Right. Are there opportunities to pursue their passions outside of the classroom?

Speaker 1:

Because college isn't just about hitting the books 247.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. They're looking for well rounded people, not robots.

Speaker 1:

And the guide points out that extracurriculars are a great way to show that you're well rounded.

Speaker 2:

Those activities help students build valuable skills.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Leadership, teamwork, communication, things employers are looking for.

Speaker 1:

And it lets students explore their interests too.

Speaker 2:

Right. Discover hidden talents, make friends.

Speaker 1:

So it's about finding a place where your student can really thrive as a whole person.

Speaker 2:

I think that's the key takeaway.

Speaker 1:

It is. And the guide encourages families to think about their students' personality Mhmm. Their learning style, their goals.

Speaker 2:

Do they thrive in a competitive environment or a more collaborative one?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Do they need structure, or do they prefer independence?

Speaker 1:

It's about narrowing down your choices based on who your student is.

Speaker 2:

Right. Finding the places that are most likely to be a good fit.

Speaker 1:

This is all great advice, but I have to admit, it can still feel overwhelming.

Speaker 2:

I get it.

Speaker 1:

There are so many things to consider.

Speaker 2:

There are. But actually, the

Speaker 1:

guide dimension's a resource that can help streamline this whole process.

Speaker 2:

Oh, really? Tell me that can help streamline

Speaker 1:

this whole process. Oh, really? Tell me more.

Speaker 2:

It's called College Journey.

Speaker 1:

College Journey.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Yeah. It's designed to make this whole process way easier.

Speaker 1:

Easier how?

Speaker 2:

Think of it like having a personalized guide. Right? Helping you and your student figure all this out.

Speaker 1:

Okay. But how does that actually work?

Speaker 2:

Well, what's really cool is it's powered by AI.

Speaker 1:

AI. Like artificial intelligence.

Speaker 2:

That's right. So it can actually give you recommendations that are tailored to your student.

Speaker 1:

Based on what?

Speaker 2:

Their academic interests, their extracurriculars, even their personality.

Speaker 1:

Wait. AI for college prep? That sounds like something out of a movie.

Speaker 2:

I know. Right? But it's real.

Speaker 1:

So how does it know what my student is like or if they'd be a good fit at a certain college?

Speaker 2:

So the heart of college journey is this AI counselor.

Speaker 1:

A counselor?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Her name is Alice.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Think of her like your personal college adviser.

Speaker 1:

Okay. I'm listening.

Speaker 2:

So you sit down with your student, and you tell Alice all about them.

Speaker 1:

Their favorite subjects, their hobbies.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Even their quirks, what makes them tick.

Speaker 1:

And then what?

Speaker 2:

Let's say your kid loves marine biology.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But they also really want a small, close knit community. Alice takes all that info, and she analyzes it against this huge database of colleges.

Speaker 1:

So she's looking at everything?

Speaker 2:

Everything. Academic programs, campus culture location, the whole 9 yards.

Speaker 1:

So she doesn't just spit out a list of every school that has a marine biology major?

Speaker 2:

No. No. No. She goes way deeper.

Speaker 1:

Like how?

Speaker 2:

She looks at student reviews, virtual campus tours, even social media

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

To get a feel for the vibe of each college.

Speaker 1:

College. So, like, if the marine biology department is known for hands on research

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Or if the campus has a really collaborative atmosphere

Speaker 1:

So you get a real sense of the place.

Speaker 2:

That's the goal.

Speaker 1:

Okay. But what about all the nitty gritty stuff of applying to college?

Speaker 2:

The deadlines, the essays, all that.

Speaker 1:

That stuff makes my head spin.

Speaker 2:

Well, Alice can help you with that too. Really? She's like a super organized personal assistant.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

She'll help you create a timeline, track deadlines, send reminders so you don't miss anything important. Important.

Speaker 1:

That would be a lifesaver.

Speaker 2:

I know. Right? Right. And let's not forget about the cost of college.

Speaker 1:

Definitely a big concern.

Speaker 2:

You mentioned college journey can help with financial aid. How does that work? It's about finding every opportunity. Right? So Alice helps you identify potential scholarships

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Guides you through the FSA process. Remember, that's the free application for federal student aid.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And she even offers strategies for appealing financial aid awards if you need to.

Speaker 1:

So it's like having a financial aid expert in your pocket.

Speaker 2:

Pretty much. College journey is all about taking a holistic approach guiding you through every step.

Speaker 1:

That sounds great, but I'm curious about something.

Speaker 2:

What's that?

Speaker 1:

We've talked a lot about finding the right fit academically and all that. Yeah. But choosing a college is a big emotional decision too

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 1:

For both students and parents.

Speaker 2:

For sure. It's a huge life transition.

Speaker 1:

So does College Journey address that side of things at all?

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely. It does. College Journey recognizes that this is a huge transition for both students and parents. There's excitement but also anxiety.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's about letting go, supporting dreams. It's a whole new chapter.

Speaker 1:

So how does College Journey help families with all that?

Speaker 2:

Well, for one thing, it simplifies the process right. Having a road map can really reduce stress.

Speaker 1:

That makes sense.

Speaker 2:

And don't forget, Alice is there 247 to answer questions.

Speaker 1:

Oh, right. The AI counselor.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. So if you're having a late night panic attack about deadlines or essays

Speaker 1:

Been there.

Speaker 2:

She's there to help.

Speaker 1:

It's like having a calming voice available whenever you need it. That's a

Speaker 2:

good way to put it. And beyond the practical stuff, college journey encourages families to talk to each other.

Speaker 1:

That's so important.

Speaker 2:

It is. It provides prompts for conversations about goals, expectations, fears even.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes just getting those things out in the open can make a huge difference.

Speaker 2:

Totally. And it helps families build a shared understanding.

Speaker 1:

Like, they're all on the same team.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. It's not just the student's journey. It's a family journey.

Speaker 1:

That's a great way to think about it. You know, we've covered so much in this deep dive.

Speaker 2:

We have.

Speaker 1:

But if there's one thing I hope our listeners take away, it's the importance of finding the right fit.

Speaker 2:

That's what it all comes down to. Right?

Speaker 1:

It's not about going to the most prestigious school or whatever.

Speaker 2:

No. It's about finding a place where your student can thrive.

Speaker 1:

A place where they can be themselves, pursue their passions.

Speaker 2:

And grow into the amazing people they're meant to be.

Speaker 1:

It's like finding the missing piece of the puzzle.

Speaker 2:

And there's no one right answer. Remember.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What matters is that the college aligns with your students' values, their learning style, their dreams for the future.

Speaker 1:

This has been such a helpful conversation. Thank you so much for sharing your insights.

Speaker 2:

My pleasure.

Speaker 1:

And to our listeners, we hope this deep dive has given you the tools to tackle this process with more confidence and less stress.

Speaker 2:

Less hair pulling.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. Oh. Remember, this is an exciting time, a time of growth and discovery.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 1:

And if you're feeling overwhelmed or just want some extra support along the way, remember that resource we mentioned, College Journey, and their AI counselor, Alice, are there to guide you. You can learn more at their website, Happy college hunting, everyone.

How Do People Choose the Right College or University to Attend?

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