The Ethical Use of AI in College Applications
Hey, everyone, and welcome back. We're diving into something today that I bet a lot of you are thinking about out there, the college application process. It could be a lot. Right? Especially with everything changing so fast and education and all the technology these days.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's true. Things are really different even from just a few years ago.
Speaker 1:Totally.
Speaker 2:It's understandable that parents might feel a little overwhelmed with how to handle it all.
Speaker 1:It's a lot to keep up with for sure. Yeah. You know, I was actually just reading this blog post from a parent, and they were really feeling swamped by the whole thing. Like, they were saying they're already so busy with work and family and everything. Right.
Speaker 1:And now on top of it all, they're supposed to become like a college expert.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I think a lot of parents feel that
Speaker 1:that way, that feeling of being stretched
Speaker 2:too thin. We're all juggling so much these days. And then you add the pressure of wanting what's best for your kid's future.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:It's no wonder the college application process can feel like this giant mountain in front of you.
Speaker 1:Totally. It's overwhelming. Yeah. And this blog post really hit on a few of those big stress points, like just finding the time to do it all
Speaker 2:Mhmm.
Speaker 1:And then understanding how the applications even work. Mhmm. And, of course, the cost of college is just going up and up. Yeah. It's a lot to think about.
Speaker 2:It is. And it's not even just the practical stuff. There is also the emotional part. Like, how do you support your kid but not push too hard? Mhmm.
Speaker 2:How do you know which colleges are really a good fit? And then there's the worry about whether you're doing enough to help them succeed.
Speaker 1:It is. It's a huge weight on your shoulders.
Speaker 2:It is.
Speaker 1:And what makes it even harder, I think, is how much the world is changing. Yeah. You hear all about AI and automation and how it's changing jobs, and it makes you wonder, what skills are my kids even gonna need to make it out there? How do we prepare them for jobs that might not even exist yet?
Speaker 2:That's the big question a lot of parents are asking. And it's easy to feel like the old rules don't work anymore.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:It's like we're all making this up as we go along, you know, both for ourselves and our kids.
Speaker 1:So what do you do when the old rules don't work anymore? I guess you need a new plan. Right?
Speaker 2:Exactly. And I think part of that new plan is taking a step back back and thinking about what success even means today. Okay. It's not just about getting into the most prestigious college.
Speaker 1:Mhmm.
Speaker 2:It's about finding a place where your kid can really grow, develop their passions, and build the skills they'll need for the future. And the thing is, the future is always changing.
Speaker 1:So it's like you need a compass to make sense of it all.
Speaker 2:That's a really good way to put it. Just like a compass helps you find your way, parents need to find tools and resources that can guide them, because we don't have to figure this out all on our own.
Speaker 1:So okay. We've got these parents in the blog post. They're feeling totally overwhelmed. We've got all this anxiety about the future and how to help our kids. Where do we even start to break all this down?
Speaker 2:I think the first step is to just admit it's okay to feel overwhelmed. This is a big deal, and it makes sense to have questions and worries. The important thing is to not let those feelings freeze you up. You've gotta move past those feelings and start doing something. Mhmm.
Speaker 2:That's where the right resources and tools can make a big difference.
Speaker 1:Okay. So what are we talking about here? What kind of resources?
Speaker 2:Well, it could be a lot of things. It could be just good old fashioned research or maybe talking to other parents who have been through it already Mhmm. Or even looking into some of the tech tools that are out there now.
Speaker 1:Right. You know, speaking of tech tools, I'm really interested in how AI is starting to show up in college admissions. Yeah. It seems like AI is everywhere these days.
Speaker 2:It really does.
Speaker 1:But how much of it is real, and how much of it's just hype?
Speaker 2:It's hard to say. It does feel like the Wild West out there right now.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But there are definitely some legit ways AI is being used to help with this stuff. Okay. Like, some platforms will use AI to look at a student's profile and recommend colleges that might be a good fit, you know, based on their interests, how they're doing in school, things like that.
Speaker 1:So it's like having your own personal college counselor right on your phone.
Speaker 2:Yeah. In a way. But you can't forget that AI is just a tool. Right.
Speaker 1:It can give you
Speaker 2:some ideas and suggestions, but it shouldn't be making the decisions for you. Right. The but it shouldn't be making the decisions for you. Right. The best way to use it is to think of it as a
Speaker 1:starting point.
Speaker 2:Okay. Yeah. Then you can have those real conversations with your kid, maybe their school
Speaker 1:counselor, you know,
Speaker 2:people you trust to figure out the best path.
Speaker 1:That makes sense. So it can help you narrow things down, but you still have to do your own research Yeah. And really figure out what's gonna work best for your kid.
Speaker 2:Right. Exactly. And it's not even just about finding the college. It's also about figuring out how to manage those applications. There are AI tools that can help you with that too.
Speaker 1:Oh, really?
Speaker 2:Yeah. Like, with writing the essays or finding scholarships Oh. Or even just keeping track of all those deadlines.
Speaker 1:So AI could potentially help parents save some time and stress. But what about all those worries people have about bias with AI? Like, could it be unfair to certain students? I've heard stories about AI systems that end up discriminating even if it wasn't intentional.
Speaker 2:That's a really important point, and it's something anyone who is developing or using AI needs to think about very carefully.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:One thing to look for is transparency. Like, are the companies that are using AI in college admissions being open about how systems actually work. Are they thinking about those potential biases and trying to do something about them?
Speaker 1:So it's not just about whether it works. It's also about making sure it's fair to all students.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And that goes back to what we were saying before about not letting AI make decisions on its own.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:We have to think critically Mhmm. And question how it's being used and what the effects could be.
Speaker 1:So it sounds like it's all about finding the right balance
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Using the power of AI
Speaker 2:Mhmm.
Speaker 1:But also being aware of its limits.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And making sure it's being used responsibly. Mhmm.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And I actually think this is important not just for college admissions. It's for education in general.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:Like, we need to be thinking about how to get our kids ready for a world where AI is gonna be everywhere.
Speaker 1:So even beyond just applying to college, how can parents help their kids build those skills they'll need to succeed in a world full of AI?
Speaker 2:Well, one really important skill is critical thinking. We've gotta teach kids how to look at information and figure out what's true and, you know, be able to spot biases.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Be able to think for themselves.
Speaker 1:That makes sense. Because if you can't do that, you're gonna be more likely to just believe whatever an algorithm tells you or, you know, fall from misinformation.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And creativity is another really important skill.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:You know, AI is really good at automating things and, you know, analyzing data. But it's not so good at thinking up new ideas
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Or, you know, thinking outside the box. Right. So we need to help our kids be creative and encourage them to follow their passions.
Speaker 1:It's interesting because in a way, we're kinda back to where we started. Those anxieties that parents in that blog post were talking about.
Speaker 2:Mhmm.
Speaker 1:It's not just about getting into college. Right. It's about giving our kids the skills they're gonna need in a world that's really complicated and changing super fast.
Speaker 2:Yeah. You got it. And that's why it's so important for parents to feel like they're in control
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And that they understand what's happening. We need to be proactive about finding resources, talking to our kids, and pushing for an education system that prepares them for the future.
Speaker 1:So if there's a parent listening to this and they're feeling lost or overwhelmed, where do they even begin? What can they actually do to take back some control?
Speaker 2:1st, I would say take a deep breath.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Remind yourself that you're not the only one going through this. There are literally millions of parents dealing with this right now, and there are tons of resources out there to help.
Speaker 1:Like, what specifically? What are some good examples?
Speaker 2:Well, you could start by talking to your kid's school counselor. They can help you figure out what classes your kid should be taking, how to plan for college, and all about the application process.
Speaker 1:That's a great idea, especially since they probably already know your child pretty well and you know what they're good at in school.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And don't forget about your own network.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Talk to other parents who have been through this college admissions thing recently.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:They can give you advice, tips, and maybe even just some support. You know, you're not alone.
Speaker 1:It's like a real world support group.
Speaker 2:Right. Exactly. And there are also lots of resources online.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah.
Speaker 2:Websites, blogs, forums. You name it. They're all about college admissions.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Just be sure to, you know, check where the information is coming from and make sure it's actually trustworthy.
Speaker 1:Right. It's like with anything else online. You've gotta be careful.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And, you know, if you're really feeling overwhelmed or if you just want some more personalized help, you could always hire a college counselor. They can help with everything, like putting together a list of colleges, you know, brainstorming ideas for those essays, even figuring out financial aid.
Speaker 1:So we've got school counselors, other parents, stuff online, college counselors. Are there any other tools or strategies parents should keep in mind?
Speaker 2:You know, this might be a good time to bring up AI again
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And how it could actually help make this process easier.
Speaker 1:Yeah. I was actually just thinking about that. We were talking before about how AI can help with things like finding good colleges and managing those applications. Are there any specific platforms or tools that you think are worth looking into?
Speaker 2:There are a few out there, but one that I really like is called College Journey.
Speaker 1:College Journey. Okay. I've actually heard of that one. What makes it different from the other college prep things out there?
Speaker 2:Well, a few things. First, it really looks at the whole picture.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It's not just about getting your kid into college.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:It's also about helping them figure out what they wanna do with their life, learn important skills, and be ready for a world where, you know, AI is probably gonna be a big part of things.
Speaker 1:So it kinda goes back to what we were talking about before, like, getting our kids ready for a world that's always changing.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And another thing that makes College Journey different is that it's really personalized.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It uses this AI guide named Alice to give each student advice based on their needs.
Speaker 1:Wait. Hold on. An AI guide. Yeah. Tell me more about that.
Speaker 1:How does that even work?
Speaker 2:So, basically, Alice is like a virtual college counselor
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Who's there for you whenever you need her.
Speaker 1:Wow. She
Speaker 2:gets to know your kid
Speaker 1:Mhmm.
Speaker 2:Like, what they're interested in, what they're good at, what their goals are.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And then she gives them advice and resources that are specific to them.
Speaker 1:That's amazing. So it's like having a personal assistant for college, but, you know, AI powered.
Speaker 2:Right. Exactly.
Speaker 1:But what about to real people? If you're working with Alice, does that mean you don't get any human interaction? Not at all. Actually, College Journey mixes AI with real human expertise. They have a
Speaker 2:whole team of experienced educators and counselors
Speaker 1:Oh, wow.
Speaker 2:Who are there to help you out if you need more support.
Speaker 1:So it's like getting the best of both worlds. Exactly. I could definitely see how that would be really useful, especially for busy parents who maybe don't have tons of time to research all the tiny details about applying to college.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And, you know, College Journey also helps with that money stuff we were talking about.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah.
Speaker 2:They have all these tools for planning your finances, finding scholarships, and even thinking about your long term financial strategy.
Speaker 1:Okay. So it sounds like college journey has a lot going for it. But is it just for kids who are trying to get into, the Ivy League? Mhmm. What about kids who might be thinking about trade school or, you know, other career paths?
Speaker 2:That's a really good question. And, actually, college journey isn't only for students who are set on a 4 year college.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:They also have resources for students who are interested in other things.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Like maybe trade school or community college or even taking a gap year.
Speaker 1:So they really are trying to help each student find what works for them no matter what that looks like.
Speaker 2:Right. It's about recognizing that there isn't just one right way to be successful, And we should be encouraging kids to explore their options.
Speaker 1:I think that's so important for parents to hear, especially with so much pressure on kids to, you know, follow a specific path. So Yeah. There's a parent listening to this, and they're thinking, okay. College Journey sounds good. I wanna know more.
Speaker 1:How do they do that?
Speaker 2:The best way is to just go to their website.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It's college journey dot ai. You can see all the features they offer, read reviews from other families, and even set up a free consultation.
Speaker 1:That's great. And we'll make sure to link to their website in the show notes so everyone can easily find it. Uh-huh. I have to say, I was feeling kinda stressed about this whole college admissions thing before.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:But now that we've talked about College Journey and Alice, I feel a lot better.
Speaker 2:Me too. It's awesome to see these new ideas popping up that can help families figure this out, and it's especially cool to see how AI can actually be used to make things better, you know, help students and families make good choices about the future.
Speaker 1:I think that's a perfect way to wrap things up. Thanks so much for being here today and talking about the college application process with us.
Speaker 2:It was my pleasure.
Speaker 1:Just remember, everyone, you're not in this alone.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:There are resources out there to help you.
Speaker 2:And we're here to help too.
Speaker 1:And if you think college journey in Alice might be a good fit for your family, definitely go check out their website. Until next time, keep on learning and exploring.