What Does Yield Mean in College Admissions?
Okay. So, like, everybody knows college admissions can be, like, this super crazy maze.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:There's, like, a ton of things to figure out. Yeah. And one term that you might not have heard of, but is actually super important is yield.
Speaker 2:Yeah. You're absolutely right.
Speaker 1:So can you give us a quick rundown on what yield actually means in this whole college admissions thing?
Speaker 2:Sure. Yield, in the simplest terms, is the percentage of students who actually enroll after they get that acceptance letter.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:So, like, you know, you get all excited. You open that envelope.
Speaker 1:You're in. You're in.
Speaker 2:But then do you actually decide to go there?
Speaker 1:That's what yield is all about. Exactly. It's like measuring how irresistible a college is.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's kinda like, you know, you've got this popular restaurant everyone's talking about.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah.
Speaker 2:Huge wait list to get a table.
Speaker 1:Totally.
Speaker 2:Yield is kinda like seeing how many people actually show up for their reservation.
Speaker 1:I like that analogy. Yeah. So high yield means a college is, like, the hot spot everyone wants to be at.
Speaker 2:Pretty much.
Speaker 1:Okay. So, like, why should parents care about this? Yeah. Is it just a number colleges brag about?
Speaker 2:No. It's way more than that.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It actually tells you a lot about the college, like how selective they are, what kinda students they attract.
Speaker 1:So it's like a clue to help figure out where you actually fit in.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Plus, colleges use this yield number to, you know, plan their classes.
Speaker 1:Oh, right. Right.
Speaker 2:Make sure they've got enough dorms. Yeah. All that logistical stuff.
Speaker 1:Makes sense. I mean, imagine a college accepts a bunch of students, and then, like, half of them don't show up.
Speaker 2:It would be chaos.
Speaker 1:Right. Total chaos.
Speaker 2:Totally empty dorms. Right. Empty classrooms. It would be a mess.
Speaker 1:So they've gotta be pretty good at predicting this yield thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah. They have to be, you know, pretty strategic about it.
Speaker 1:So so how do they how do they even, like, use yield? I mean, what does it tell them?
Speaker 2:Well, it gives them this, this really important insight into how attractive they are to students.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:You know, like, how desirable they are as a choice. And colleges with, like, really high yield rates
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:They tend to have more prestige. Oh,
Speaker 1:Oh, interesting.
Speaker 2:It's like a feedback loop.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Good reputation, high yield, even better reputation.
Speaker 1:So it's not just about, like, how many people they accept. It's about how many people actually choose them.
Speaker 2:Exactly. It's about the power of choice. You know?
Speaker 1:Okay. So like, Harvard. Yeah. Right? Everyone wants to go to Harvard.
Speaker 2:Yeah. That's a classic example.
Speaker 1:I think their yield rate is something crazy high.
Speaker 2:It's over 84% last I checked.
Speaker 1:Wow. So that means most kids who get that acceptance letter are saying yes to Harvard.
Speaker 2:Yeah. They're pretty much set on going there.
Speaker 1:So so, like, how does a college use that information? I mean, they know their yield is high?
Speaker 2:Well, it helps them plan their class size.
Speaker 1:Okay. Let's
Speaker 2:say they want a 1,000 students Mhmm. And they know their yield is, like, 80%.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:They'll probably admit a bit more than a1000 just in case, you know, some people don't enroll.
Speaker 1:Oh, that makes sense. They're kinda hedging their bets.
Speaker 2:Exactly. They're using past data to predict the future.
Speaker 1:It's like a calculated risk.
Speaker 2:Pretty much.
Speaker 1:Okay. So I'm starting to see how this yield thing is actually a pretty big deal in the whole admissions game.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's definitely something to keep in mind.
Speaker 1:So let's talk more about how colleges try to, you know, boost their yield.
Speaker 2:Okay. Sounds good.
Speaker 1:What are some of the things they do to make themselves more irresistible to those accepted students?
Speaker 2:Well, one big one is early decision programs.
Speaker 1:Yeah. I've heard about those.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:But I don't really get how they work.
Speaker 2:Okay. So with early decision
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You're basically making a commitment.
Speaker 1:Oh, what a If
Speaker 2:you get in, you're saying yes.
Speaker 1:So it's like a guaranteed spot for the student and a guaranteed yes for the college. Exactly.
Speaker 2:It's a win win in that sense.
Speaker 1:Okay. So that's one way they boost their yield.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's a pretty effective strategy.
Speaker 1:It makes sense they know those students are locked in.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:So what else do colleges do besides the early decision thing?
Speaker 2:Well, they also pay a lot of attention to something called interest.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah. I've heard that term thrown around too.
Speaker 2:Right. It's like, have you visited campus?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Have you, you know, gone to those virtual events?
Speaker 1:Right. Like, are you actually showing them that you're really interested?
Speaker 2:Exactly. Colleges wanna see that you're not just, you know, applying to every school under the
Speaker 1:sun. Okay.
Speaker 2:They wanna see that you've put some thought into it. Yeah. That you've actually taken the time to learn about their school.
Speaker 1:So it's about showing them you're serious, not just going through the motions.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Pretty much.
Speaker 1:Okay. This is making a lot more sense now. I'm starting to see how all these pieces fit together.
Speaker 2:It's definitely a complex puzzle.
Speaker 1:It is, but it's interesting to understand the strategy behind it all.
Speaker 2:Right. It's not just random.
Speaker 1:No. It's definitely not random. There's a whole system in place.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And understanding that system can give you a real advantage as an applicant.
Speaker 1:Okay. So we've talked about early decision and demonstrated interest. Yeah. What else do colleges do to try to boost their yield? Like, what other tricks do they have up their sleeves?
Speaker 2:Well, financial aid is a big one.
Speaker 1:Of course. Money matters.
Speaker 2:Great. A generous financial aid package can make a huge difference.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Especially with the cost of college these days.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:It's like a deciding factor for a lot of families.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. And colleges know that.
Speaker 1:So they're strategic with their financial aid offers.
Speaker 2:Yeah. They might offer merit based scholarships to top students
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Or need based aid to those who qualify. Yeah. And those financial incentives can really sway sway a student's decision.
Speaker 1:It's like sweetening the deal.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Yeah. Making themselves more attractive.
Speaker 1:So it's not just about the acceptance letter.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:It's about the whole package. Right?
Speaker 2:Yeah. The academics, the environment
Speaker 1:The vibe, the financial aid situation.
Speaker 2:The whole 9 yards.
Speaker 1:Right. It all plays into a student's final decision.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:This is making me think back to when I was applying to college.
Speaker 2:Uh-huh.
Speaker 1:I wish I had known all this back then.
Speaker 2:It definitely would have been helpful. Yeah.
Speaker 1:It would have made the whole process less mysterious.
Speaker 2:Right. It takes away some of the guesswork.
Speaker 1:Exactly. Because when you understand how things work, you can make better decisions.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:So I think this is super valuable information for anyone who's, like, starting to think about college applications.
Speaker 2:I agree. It gives you a leg up.
Speaker 1:Yeah. It's like having a secret weapon.
Speaker 2:Kind of. Yeah. It's about understanding the game.
Speaker 1:Okay. Now I know there's sometimes confusion between yield and acceptance rate. Mhmm. Can you clear that up for us? Like, what's the difference?
Speaker 2:Sure. So the acceptance rate is just the percentage of applicants who get that. Yes.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Like, out of all the people who apply, how many actually get in?
Speaker 1:Right. So that's, like, how hard it is to get into that school.
Speaker 2:Exactly. It's a measure of selectivity.
Speaker 1:Okay. And then yield is different.
Speaker 2:Yield is about how many of those accepted students actually choose to enroll.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:So let's say a college accepts 1,000 students
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Out of, like, 10,000 applicants Yeah. That's a 10% acceptance rate.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:But then out of those 1,000 accepted students, only 600 actually decide to go there. That would be a 60% yield rate.
Speaker 1:So acceptance rate is about getting the offer, and yield is about whether you take it.
Speaker 2:Yeah. That's a good way to put it.
Speaker 1:Okay. That makes sense.
Speaker 2:So one is about getting in
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And the other is about showing up.
Speaker 1:Gotcha. So colleges are looking at both of these numbers. Right?
Speaker 2:Oh, absolutely.
Speaker 1:Like, they want a low acceptance rate to show how selective they are.
Speaker 2:Right. It makes them look more prestigious.
Speaker 1:Yeah. It's like a badge of honor.
Speaker 2:And then they want a high yield rate
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Because it means they can accurately predict how many students they'll have.
Speaker 1:So they can plan accordingly.
Speaker 2:Exactly. They don't want any surprises.
Speaker 1:No empty dorms.
Speaker 2:No empty classrooms.
Speaker 1:It all comes down to being able to manage their resources. Right?
Speaker 2:Yeah. And maintain that sense of, you know, exclusivity.
Speaker 1:Right. Because a high yield rate also kinda shows how much students wanna be there. Yeah. It's a sign of desirability. Okay.
Speaker 1:So I'm
Speaker 2:starting to get the bigger picture now. Desirability.
Speaker 1:Okay. So I'm starting to get the bigger picture now. Acceptance rate and yield, they both play a role in this whole admissions game.
Speaker 2:Yeah. They're both important pieces of the puzzle.
Speaker 1:And for parents and students, understanding how these numbers work can really make a difference.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. It takes away some of the mystery.
Speaker 1:And empowers you to make more strategic decisions.
Speaker 2:Exactly. It's about knowing the rules of the game.
Speaker 1:Okay. So now that we've got a good handle on what yield is Uh-huh. And how colleges use it, I wanna dive into something you mentioned earlier. Okay. Yield protection.
Speaker 2:Yes. That's a fun one.
Speaker 1:It sounds kinda sneaky.
Speaker 2:Well, it's definitely strategic.
Speaker 1:So can you explain what yield protection is and how it works?
Speaker 2:Sure. So yield protection is basically when a college might deny or wait list even a super qualified applicant.
Speaker 1:Really?
Speaker 2:Yeah. Even if they have, like, amazing grades Wow. And a fantastic application.
Speaker 1:But why would they do that?
Speaker 2:Because they suspect that student might not actually enroll.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow.
Speaker 2:So it's like they're trying to protect their yield rate.
Speaker 1:So even if you're, like, a perfect candidate on paper Right. They might still reject you if they think you'll go somewhere else.
Speaker 2:It's possible. Yeah.
Speaker 1:That's wild. So it's not just about being good enough.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:It's also about convincing them that you really, really wanna be there.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's about demonstrating that commitment.
Speaker 1:Okay. This whole yield thing is way more complicated than I thought.
Speaker 2:It definitely has its nuances.
Speaker 1:But it's fascinating to learn about the strategies involved.
Speaker 2:Right. It's like a game within a game.
Speaker 1:Exactly. And understanding the rules of the game can make all the difference.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. It empowers you to make smarter choices.
Speaker 1:Okay. So I think we've covered a lot of ground here.
Speaker 2:Yeah. We've delved pretty deep into the world of yield.
Speaker 1:We have. And I think our listeners now have a much better understanding of how it works and why it matters.
Speaker 2:Hopefully. Yeah. It's definitely an important factor to consider.
Speaker 1:So before we wrap up this part of our deep dive
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:I wanna shift gears a bit and talk about how yield actually plays out in the real world.
Speaker 2:Sounds good.
Speaker 1:Like, can you give us some examples of how different colleges approach yield and how it impacts their admissions decisions?
Speaker 2:Sure. Let's start with those, you know, highly selective colleges. Okay.
Speaker 1:Like the Ivy League Schools.
Speaker 2:Yeah. The ones everyone dreams of getting into.
Speaker 1:Right. Those schools tend to have very high yield rates.
Speaker 2:Because everyone wants to go there.
Speaker 1:Exactly. So they can be, you know, a bit more picky.
Speaker 2:They can afford to be. Right?
Speaker 1:Yeah. They have the luxury of choosing from a pool of incredibly talented applicants.
Speaker 2:So if you're aiming for one of those top tier schools
Speaker 1:Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:You really gotta bring your a game.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. You have to stand out.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Like, good grades and test scores aren't enough.
Speaker 1:Right. You need more than that.
Speaker 2:Okay. So what else do you need?
Speaker 1:You need to show them they're passionate
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:That you're engaged
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:That you're a perfect fit for their community.
Speaker 2:So it's about showcasing your unique qualities.
Speaker 1:Exactly. What makes you tick?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:What are your aspirations?
Speaker 2:What makes you different from all the other applicants?
Speaker 1:Exactly. They wanna see your personality shine through.
Speaker 2:So it's not just about being smart. It's about being interesting.
Speaker 1:Yeah. It's about being a well rounded individual.
Speaker 2:Okay. That makes sense. And then you've got those, you know, more moderately selective colleges, the ones with maybe, like, a 50% yield rate
Speaker 1:Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Those schools are still selective
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:But they're not quite as cutthroat.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:So while academics are still super important, you might have a little more wiggle room to showcase other aspects of yourself.
Speaker 1:So, like, extracurricular activity.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Things that show you're well rounded.
Speaker 1:Right. Like, you've got interests outside of school.
Speaker 2:Yeah. You're involved in your community.
Speaker 1:You're passionate about something.
Speaker 2:Exactly. It's about painting a full picture of who you are.
Speaker 1:Okay. So it's, like, finding that sweet spot between academics and personality.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And demonstrating that you'd be a good fit for their campus culture.
Speaker 1:Gotcha. So it sounds like there's no one size fits all approach to college applications.
Speaker 2:Right. You have to tailor your strategy to the specific school you're targeting.
Speaker 1:And yield can be a really helpful clue in figuring out that strategy.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. It gives you insights into the college's mindset.
Speaker 1:Okay. So let's talk about public universities.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:They often have lower yield rates. Right.
Speaker 2:Yeah. That's typically the case.
Speaker 1:Why is that?
Speaker 2:Well, they tend to admit larger numbers of students Okay. To fill those big classes.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So their yield rates might be lower. Okay.
Speaker 1:But
Speaker 2:that doesn't mean they're not selective.
Speaker 1:Right. They still have standards.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. You still need to have a strong application.
Speaker 1:Okay. So what's the strategy for public universities?
Speaker 2:Well, you really need to make your application stand out.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Highlight your unique qualities.
Speaker 1:Right. Show them why you're special.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Why should they choose you over all the other applicants?
Speaker 1:So it's about finding those things that make you memorable.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Showcasing your individuality.
Speaker 1:K. This is really helpful information.
Speaker 2:I'm glad it's making sense.
Speaker 1:Yeah. It's like demystifying the whole process.
Speaker 2:Right. Taking away some of the guesswork.
Speaker 1:Exactly. So if I could summarize what we've learned so far Uh-huh. It's that yield is this important factor that colleges use to manage their admissions.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It helps them predict their class size.
Speaker 1:Right. And make sure they've got enough resources.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:And for students and parents, understanding yield can help you Mhmm. You know, tailor your application strategy.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And target the colleges where you have the best chance of success.
Speaker 1:It's all about finding the right fit.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:So before we move on to the next part of our deep dive
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:I wanna talk about something that's, like, really important for students to understand.
Speaker 2:Okay. I I'm listening.
Speaker 1:The difference between, like, what a college wants and what's actually best for the student.
Speaker 2:Yes. That's a crucial distinction.
Speaker 1:Because, like, a college might be obsessed with their yield rate Uh-huh. But that doesn't mean it's the best place for every student.
Speaker 2:Right. It's not always about the most prestigious or the most selective school.
Speaker 1:Exactly. So how can students figure out what's truly the best fit for them?
Speaker 2:Well, it starts with, like, really thinking about what you want out of your college experience.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:What are your academic goals?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:What kind of learning environment do you thrive in?
Speaker 1:Right. What kind of campus culture are you looking
Speaker 2:for? Exactly. It's about, like, aligning your values with the college's values.
Speaker 1:So it's not just about getting accepted.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:It's about finding a place where you'll actually be happy and successful.
Speaker 2:Exactly. It's about finding your tribe.
Speaker 1:Okay. So I think that's a really important message to send to our listeners.
Speaker 2:I agree.
Speaker 1:Don't get so caught up in the numbers and the rankings Grandma. That you forget about what truly matters.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's about finding the right fit for you.
Speaker 1:Okay. So let's wrap up this part of our deep dive.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And when we come back, we'll delve even deeper into the world of yield.
Speaker 2:Sounds good.
Speaker 1:We'll explore how it impacts different types of colleges. And we'll give you some tips on how to use this knowledge to your advantage.
Speaker 2:It's gonna be good.
Speaker 1:It is. So stay tuned.
Speaker 2:Can't wait. So, yeah, for those moderately selective colleges, academics are still key.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:But you might have more room to, like, you know, highlight other things.
Speaker 1:Like what?
Speaker 2:Like, your unique qualities, your passions, what makes you stand out. You know?
Speaker 1:Right. So it's not just about being a good student.
Speaker 2:It's about being an interesting person too.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Showing them you've got something to offer beyond just grades.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Like, what are you gonna bring to the campus community? What have you learned? What experiences have shaped you?
Speaker 1:It's like finding that balance between, like, proving you're academically capable Uh-huh. But also showing a bit of your personality
Speaker 2:Yeah. Exactly.
Speaker 1:Like, your dreams.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And that kind of brings us to another cool thing about yield.
Speaker 1:Okay. What's that?
Speaker 2:How colleges try to boost it.
Speaker 1:Oh, right. Like, they're not just sitting around hoping for the best.
Speaker 2:No. No. They've got strategies.
Speaker 1:Okay. I'm all ears.
Speaker 2:Tell me more.
Speaker 1:So, like, what are some of the ways they try to, you know, make themselves more attractive to students?
Speaker 2:Well, we already talked about early decision programs.
Speaker 1:Right. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Those are a big one.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:But there's more.
Speaker 1:Okay. Tell
Speaker 2:me. Like, demonstrated interest.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah. We touched on that earlier.
Speaker 2:Right. But it's worth emphasizing.
Speaker 1:Okay. Why?
Speaker 2:Because colleges are really paying attention to this.
Speaker 1:So, like, how do they measure demonstrated interest? What are they looking for?
Speaker 2:It's things like, you know, have you visited the campus?
Speaker 1:Oh, right.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Have you gone to their, like, virtual events?
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:Have you emailed the admissions office?
Speaker 1:So it's about being proactive.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Showing them you're not just, like, passively applying.
Speaker 1:You're actually taking the initiative Right. To learn about the school Yeah. To connect with them.
Speaker 2:Yeah. They wanna see that spark.
Speaker 1:That you're actually, like, excited about the possibility of going there.
Speaker 2:Exactly. It shows genuine interest.
Speaker 1:Okay. So, like, visiting campus is obviously a good one.
Speaker 2:Yeah. If you can.
Speaker 1:Right. But what about, like, virtual events? Are those just as good?
Speaker 2:They can be.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It shows you're making an effort even if you can't physically be there.
Speaker 1:Yeah. That makes sense.
Speaker 2:And colleges are even tracking, like, how much time students spend on their website.
Speaker 1:Woah. Really?
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's getting pretty high-tech.
Speaker 1:That's kinda creepy.
Speaker 2:Well, they're just trying to gauge interest. You know?
Speaker 1:Okay. So it's like every click counts.
Speaker 2:Kinda. Yeah.
Speaker 1:So you gotta be strategic.
Speaker 2:Right. You gotta show them you're serious.
Speaker 1:Okay. This is making me rethink my whole approach to college applications.
Speaker 2:It's definitely a game changer when you understand this stuff.
Speaker 1:Yeah. It is.
Speaker 2:It's not just about the grades anymore.
Speaker 1:No. It's about the whole package.
Speaker 2:Right. The whole experience.
Speaker 1:Okay. So we've talked about early decision, demonstrated interest.
Speaker 2:Uh-huh.
Speaker 1:What else do colleges do to, like, boost their yield?
Speaker 2:Well, financial aid's a big one.
Speaker 1:Right. Yeah. Money talks.
Speaker 2:It does.
Speaker 1:Especially when it comes to college Exactly. Because it's so expensive. Great. So, like, how does financial aid play into this whole yield thing?
Speaker 2:Well, a generous financial aid package can be a really strong incentive for students.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah. For sure.
Speaker 2:Like, it can make a college more affordable
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And therefore more attractive.
Speaker 1:Right. Because if you can afford to go there, you're more likely to choose it.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And colleges know that
Speaker 1:So they use financial aid strategically.
Speaker 2:Right. Right. They might offer merit based scholarships
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:To those top performing students
Speaker 1:Right. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Or need based aid to those who qualify.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So it's about making college accessible.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And also about attracting the best students.
Speaker 1:Right. Because they want those high achievers.
Speaker 2:Yeah. They wanna build a strong class.
Speaker 1:Okay. So financial aid is like a secret weapon for colleges
Speaker 2:It can be. Yeah.
Speaker 1:To attract the students they want.
Speaker 2:Right. It's all part of the game.
Speaker 1:This is making me realize how much strategy goes into this whole college admissions thing.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah. It's not random.
Speaker 1:No. It's definitely not random.
Speaker 2:It's calculated.
Speaker 1:And understanding those calculations could really give you an edge as an applicant.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Knowledge is power.
Speaker 1:Okay. So we've talked about early decision, demonstrated interest, financial aid.
Speaker 2:Mhmm.
Speaker 1:Are there any other, like, big factors that influence a college's yield?
Speaker 2:Well, there are a couple more things to consider.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:I'll let Like, the college's prestige and location.
Speaker 1:Oh, right. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Those can play a big role.
Speaker 1:So, like, a super prestigious school like Stanford.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Exactly. Stanford's a good example.
Speaker 1:They have a pretty high yield rate. Right?
Speaker 2:It's around 80%.
Speaker 1:Wow. So most students who get accepted there choose to go.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's a highly sought after institution.
Speaker 1:Makes sense.
Speaker 2:And then location can also be a factor.
Speaker 1:Okay. Yeah. I could see that.
Speaker 2:Like a college in a bustling city
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Or in a warm climate
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Might naturally draw more students.
Speaker 1:So it's like lifestyle plays a role too.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Students are thinking about the whole experience.
Speaker 1:Not just the academics.
Speaker 2:Right. It's about where they wanna live for the next 4 years.
Speaker 1:Yeah. It's a big decision.
Speaker 2:It is, and colleges know that.
Speaker 1:So they try to make their campuses as appealing as possible.
Speaker 2:Right. They wanna create a vibrant community.
Speaker 1:Okay. So it's like a combination of factors that influences a college's yield.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Prestige, location, academics, financial aid, demonstrated interest.
Speaker 1:It's a lot to consider. It
Speaker 2:is, but it's all part of the puzzle.
Speaker 1:And understanding how these pieces fit together can really help you as an applicant.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. It helps you make more informed decisions.
Speaker 1:Okay. So I think we've covered a lot of ground here.
Speaker 2:Yeah. We've delved pretty deep into the world of yield.
Speaker 1:And I think our listeners now have a much better grasp on what it is Mhmm. And why it matters.
Speaker 2:Hopefully. Yeah.
Speaker 1:So before we wrap up this part of our deep dive
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:I wanna shift gears a bit
Speaker 2:Sounds good.
Speaker 1:And talk about, like, the bigger picture. Okay. Because, you know, we've been talking a lot about the numbers.
Speaker 2:Yeah. The strategies.
Speaker 1:But at the end of the day, it's really about finding the right college for you.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. That's what matters most.
Speaker 1:So how can students, like, go beyond the yield rate Uh-huh. And really figure out if a college is a good fit?
Speaker 2:Well, it starts with, like, some self reflection.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Thinking about what you value. Yeah. What your goals are.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:What kind of learning environment you thrive in.
Speaker 1:Okay. So it's about being honest with yourself.
Speaker 2:Exactly. And then it's about doing your research, going beyond the rankings and the stats Right.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And really digging into what a college is all about.
Speaker 1:So, like, visiting campus Yeah. If you can Talking to current students.
Speaker 2:Uh-huh. Getting a feel for the vibe.
Speaker 1:Right. Attending those virtual events.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Whatever you can do to get a sense of the place.
Speaker 1:So it's like, don't just focus on the numbers.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Look at the whole picture.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Consider the academics, the location, the campus culture, the financial aid situation.
Speaker 1:Right. It's about finding the best fit for you.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. A place where you'll thrive.
Speaker 1:Okay. So I think that's a really important message for our listeners.
Speaker 2:I agree.
Speaker 1:Don't get caught up in the hype.
Speaker 2:Uh-huh.
Speaker 1:Do your research, be true to yourself, and find a college that truly aligns with your values and goals.
Speaker 2:Well said.
Speaker 1:Okay. So let's wrap up this part of our deep dive.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And when we come back, we'll continue our exploration of yield.
Speaker 2:Sounds good.
Speaker 1:We'll talk about some specific strategies for using yield to your advantage.
Speaker 2:Uh-huh.
Speaker 1:And we'll give you some tips on how to navigate this whole college admissions process.
Speaker 2:It's gonna be good.
Speaker 1:It is, so stay tuned.
Speaker 2:Can't wait. It's kinda like they're, playing a bit of a guessing game Yeah. Trying to figure out who's actually serious about attending.
Speaker 1:So they're not always right.
Speaker 2:No. Not always.
Speaker 1:But they're using this yield protection to, like, manage their risk.
Speaker 2:Exactly. It helps them keep their enrollment numbers predictable.
Speaker 1:Which makes sense from their perspective.
Speaker 2:Right. I got a plan.
Speaker 1:Yeah. They've gotta have enough dorms, enough professors, all of that. Exactly. It's all about logistics and resources. Okay.
Speaker 1:So yield protection, it's a thing. Factor. Something to keep in mind.
Speaker 2:Right. It adds another layer of complexity to the whole process.
Speaker 1:It really does make you realize how much strategy is involved.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah. On both sides.
Speaker 1:Right from the college's side Mhmm. And from the student side.
Speaker 2:It's like a chess match.
Speaker 1:It kinda is.
Speaker 2:You gotta think a few steps ahead.
Speaker 1:Okay. So let's, like, bring this all together.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:If we could distill everything we've talked about, what are the key takeaways for our listeners? Like, the big things they should remember about yield.
Speaker 2:Okay. So first and foremost
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yield is a powerful tool.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:It reveals a lot about a college's priorities.
Speaker 1:Right. Like, how selective they are?
Speaker 2:Exactly. And how much they value demonstrated interest.
Speaker 1:Okay. So if a college has a sky high yield rate Uh-huh. That's a sign they're super picky.
Speaker 2:Yeah. They know they're a top choice for many students.
Speaker 1:So you gotta really wow them.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. You gotta showcase your passion, your commitment.
Speaker 1:Okay. So for those top tier schools Mhmm. Demonstrated interest is key.
Speaker 2:It's crucial.
Speaker 1:Okay. What about colleges with, like, more moderate yield rates?
Speaker 2:Well, in those cases
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Strong academics are still essential.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:But you also wanna highlight your unique qualities.
Speaker 1:Right. Those things that make you stand out.
Speaker 2:Exactly. What makes you tick?
Speaker 1:And for public universities Uh-huh. Which often have lower yields Right. Your application really needs to shine.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's gotta be exceptional. Okay.
Speaker 1:So it's all about understanding the landscape.
Speaker 2:Right. Knowing where you fit in.
Speaker 1:And using that knowledge to your advantage.
Speaker 2:Exactly. It's about being strategic and playing the game smart.
Speaker 1:I love that. Playing the game smart.
Speaker 2:That's all about strategy.
Speaker 1:Okay. So this has been such an insightful conversation.
Speaker 2:I've enjoyed it.
Speaker 1:Me too. I feel like we've really unpacked this whole yield thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah. We've covered a lot of ground.
Speaker 1:And I think our listeners now have a much better understanding of how it works
Speaker 2:Mhmm.
Speaker 1:And why it matters.
Speaker 2:Hopefully, yeah.
Speaker 1:So as we wrap up our deep dive into college admissions yield
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:I wanna leave our listeners with one final thought.
Speaker 2:Okay. I'm listening.
Speaker 1:Remember, while yield is important Mhmm. It's not the only factor to consider.
Speaker 2:Right. It's just one piece of the puzzle. Exactly.
Speaker 1:At the end of the day, it's about finding the right college for you.
Speaker 2:Yeah. A place where you'll thrive and grow.
Speaker 1:A place where you'll feel at home.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. That's what matters most.
Speaker 1:So keep exploring, stay curious, and trust your instincts.
Speaker 2:And good luck with your college journey.
Speaker 1:Exactly. It's an exciting time It is. Full of possibilities.
Speaker 2:Embrace the adventure.
Speaker 1:That's great advice.
Speaker 2:I try.
Speaker 1:Okay. So for anyone feeling overwhelmed by this whole process Mhmm. Remember, there's help out there.
Speaker 2:Yes. There are resources available.
Speaker 1:Like College Journey and their awesome AI college counselor, Alice.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah. Alice is great.
Speaker 1:She can provide personalized recommendations and resources Uh-huh. To make this whole journey a little less stressful. Exactly. So that's it for our deep dive into college admissions yield.
Speaker 2:It's been fun.
Speaker 1:It has been. Thanks for joining us.
Speaker 2:My pleasure.
Speaker 1:And to all our listeners out there, good luck on your college journey.
Speaker 2:You got this. Hey.